A captive portal is a web page accessed with a web browser that is displayed to newly connected users of a Wi-Fi or wired network before they are granted broader access to network resources.

Ray provides several different types of Captive portals as mentioned below;

a) Voucher-based captive portal:  

This captive portal works with voucher code authentication, the user needs to enter a valid and correct voucher provided by the Internet distributor ( office or public places like Malls), and with a valid and correct code Internet service will be available with a certain amount of data or fixed time duration depends on what plan has been selected for the Voucher based users.

b) Survey-based captive portal:

This type of captive portal contains certain survey questions and details asking fields, after filling up the survey and answering the questions asked in the survey user will get Internet service.

Mostly shopping centers or cafeterias, restaurants use this to get data information about the customer's response to the services and products.  

c) OTP captive portal:

This type of captive portal works on Mobile SMS OTP ( One time password) based authentication where the captive portal asks for the user's mobile number and the user receives OTP over SMS as the user enters a valid and correct OTP code in the portal user will be able to access the Internet service.

d) OTP via E-mail Captive portal setup:

     This kind of captive portal works on e-mail-based OTP authentication. The user enters the e-mail ID detail in the portal field and the user receives an OTP code via mail as soon as the user enters a valid and correct OTP code in the portal user receives active Internet service.

e) Advertisement Captive portal:


     This is the captive portal that works on advertisement image clicking or video watched by the users.

     As the user watches an advertisement video or clicks an advertisement image, a rewarding user 

     will be able to access Internet service as per the plan of quota or validity time duration.

f)  Username & Password Captive Portal with Internal Authentication:

      This portal works with captive portal users created under the captive portal service. Where the user needs to enter the correct and valid username and password and Internet service will be enabled for that particular user as per the plan.


However, all the above-mentioned options are simply for authentication / providing the identity of who you are! 

But as with all free resources, you need to regulate and limit them which is usually done by defining the duration of how long the resource will be freely accessible.

To create a  new captive portal follow these steps:

  Step1- Go to >Captive Portals>Portals>Create Portal

Step2-Go to Pre Authentication and mark the suitable option.

Step3- Go to Authentication

Step4- Go To Create Portal Assign portal name


Step5- Choose Authentication Type

 Step6- Enable a multi-language bar to choose more languages.

Step7-Select suitable option from the Business Category

Step8- Go to Label Management configure Labels then save.

 Step9- Go to Assets Management fill requirement then save.

Thank you,

Ray support Team
