Introduction to IP Reservation

IP Reservation is to ensure that the device receives the same IP every time it connects to the Network. 

Note. IP Reservation works only if the Ray AP is in NAT/Router/DHCP Mode.

To do IP Reservation

Method 1

Step 1. Login to your cloud controller with your username & password. 

Step 2. Go to Devices

Step 3. On the specific device, Go to actions menu 

Step 4. Click on "Add to IP Reservation"

Method 2

Step 1. Login to your cloud controller with your username & password. 

Step 2. Go to Profiles -> Available Profile -> IP Reservation

Step 3. Click Create IP Reservation

Step 4. Click Profile Name, Description and from the dropdown select "IP Reservation"

Step 5. Click Enable IP Reservation

Step 6. Input the below details

  1. Nick Name. An easy to remember name of the device.
  2. IP Address. The IP Address that you want to be given to the device.
  3. MAC Address. The MAC Address of the device

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Ray Support