Facebook Login for the Web

Before You Start

You will need:


 A  Facebook Developer Account.

Step 1: Facebook developer account check

Check if your account is a Facebook developer account or not.

Your page will have the status as marked on the below image if your account is not a Facebook developer account

Your page will have the status as marked on the below image if your account is a Facebook developer account.

Step 2: Facebook developer account creation.

Register account as a developer account, Skip this if the account is already registered as a Facebook developer.

Click on the "Developer" option

Step 3: Create your first Facebook App

skip this step if your account is already a Facebook developer account.

Step 4: Create a New App ID:

-  Set the Display Name of your first application.

-  Enter your contact E-mail.

Step 5: Facebook Login setup

Navigate to the Facebook Login page and press the "SetUp" button.

Step 6: Select App platform as Web

Select "Web" from displayed platforms.

Step 7: Set your site URL to insert website information.

Navigate to the site URL and enter and click "Save".

Step 8: Select Basic settings

Go to the Settings and choose Basic.

Step 9: App domains and Privacy policy settings.

Enter in the App domains field.

Optional: Privacy Policy URL and Terms of Service URL optional, You will not be able to switch your application to live mode without them being set.

Step 10: Adding platform

Once you've filled up all the necessary fields, navigate to the bottom of this page, press the Add Platform button to move to the next step.

Select the Website from the list. If it is Disabled then press the Cancel button.

Step 11: Set the Website URL address

Set the website URL address in the Site URL field and press the Save Changes button.

Step 12: Valid OAuth Redirect URLs setup

Navigate to Facebook Login section and press Settings.

Enter in Valid OAuth Redirect URLs and Press Save Changes button.

Step 13: App URL basic settings with credentials.

Go to Settings > Basic. 

You can find the App ID and App secret fields which will be required for Captive portal.

Copy App ID and paste it to Create Portal => Facebook App ID and press the Save button.