If you forgot or lost your password for your Ray Cloud account, you can change or reset it. 

Ray takes security seriously. Ray accounts, products include passwords to help secure your information. This article provides some options that you can use to reset or recover your password if you forget it.

Step1. Go to Ray Cloud Contoller and enter the email-id of the account, who's password is to be recovered/reset and then Click on Next button.

Step2. Click on Forgot password.

Step3. An OTP will be sent on the email-id provided in the step1. Enter that OTP in the provided space and then click on submit button. 

If OTP expires, then click on Resend OTP. A new OTP will be sent on the provided email-id. Now, enter the new OTP.

Step4. Enter the new Password and confirm Password. Now, click on Submit button. Now, you can login to your account with new password.


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