A whitelist in networking is a list of trusted entities or devices that are granted access to a network or specific resources within a network. This means that any device or entity that is not on the whitelist will be denied access to the network or resources. Whitelisting is a security measure that helps prevent unauthorized access or attacks from malicious entities.

Procedure 1.

Go to Parent Cluster > Child cluster, then follow:

 To add an option in the device dashboard to add devices to the whitelist, you may follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1. Go to Profiles.

Step2. Then, Go to Wlan.

Step3. Now, Go to Action and click on the three dots.
Step4. Click on the View/Edit

For reference see the below images


Step5. Enable Client MacWhitelist/blacklist, Select Whitelist MAC Address.
Step6. Describe the reason in the remarks.

Step7. Click on the Save button.


To add devices to the Whitelist, you may follow the below-mentioned steps: 

Go to Clients>Devices

Step8. Go to Add To Whitelist.

Select a suitable option out of Manual Upload and Bulk Upload, Manual Upload can be used if devices are few and the other method can be used if devices are more.

For manual upload 

Step9. Click on Manual Upload, to add devices individually.

Step10. Click on + Add Devices and a new pop-up will open.

Step11. After providing the MAC address and Name of the device in the space provided, click on the save button.

Note: You May toggle over the Applicable in all clusters, to add the device to the whitelist for all clusters, including the current cluster. If not done, then the device will be whitelisted for the current cluster only.

Step12. Type Confirm and click on the Confirm button.

Note: It is Case sensitive.

This way, the Device will be added to the whitelist.

To remove devices from the Whitelist:

Step13. Click on Remove from Whitelist

Step14. Click on the tick before the MAC-Address of the device, that is to be removed from whitelist.

Step15. Click on the save button.

Step16. Click on the OK button, to confirm the removal of device from whitelist.

This way, a client will be removed from the Whitelist.

Procedure 2

To add and remove individual devices from the list of connected clients to whitelist we have another method as well. Given below are the steps that can be followed, for more refer to the images attached with them.


To add a device to the whitelist:

Step1. Go to the clients of the child cluster, whose clients are to be added to the whitelist.

Step2. Go to Devices.

Step3. Click on the three dots of the device that is to be whitelisted out of the list of multiple devices connected, under the

           action column.

Step4. Click on the Add To Whitelisoption on the new pop-up.

Step5. Type Confirm in the space provided, and then click on the Confirm button. To let the action come to effect.

Note: This is case-sensitive.

To remove a device from the whitelist:

Step1. Go to the clients of the child cluster, whose clients are to be added to the whitelist.

Step2. Go to Devices.

Step3. Click on the three dots of the device that is to be removed from the whitelist out of the list of multiple devices

           connected, under the action column.

Step4. Click on the Remove from Whitelisoption on the new pop-up.

Step5. Click on the OK button, to let the action come into effect.

 This way, the device will be removed from the whitelist.

Thank you,

Ray support Team
