Statistics and Data Usage of the clients refers to the analysis and measurement of data usage patterns and trends by clients. It involves collecting, organizing, and interpreting data to gain insights into how clients utilize data, such as the amount of data consumed, frequency of usage, and patterns of data usage over time.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to check the usage of Wireless clients.

Step1. Go to Dashboard > Client Statistics.

Step2. Select the SSID, whose client's usage is to be checked.

Step3. Scroll down, and you'll get an option as All Devices by Usage, Select the number of Top clients as per usage will be shown. If you wish to Download the CSV file, then click on the download button, next to the reload button (as shown in top Right corner).

To see the user sessions follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1. Go to Clients 

Step2. Then go to Devices

Step3. Click on the User sessions.

Step4. Click on 'Online Sessions' here you can see online client details.

Step5. To check the Offline client's details click on 'Offline Sessions'.

Step6. Click on the three dots given below the actions.

Step7. Click on 'View History'.

Step8. Click on the three dots given below the actions.

Step9. Click on 'View History'.

Now, You will be shown Username, Mac address, Appliance Name, client's IP, Status, Date, etc

To see the Appliances statics and usages follow the mentioned steps.

Go to cluster > Appliances > click on the statics symbol below the action button.

We can see the interface usage, error, and drop details.



  Ray Support
