To check Status and statistics for Both or Internet link ans SD-WAN Network you can check out Dashboard Section.

Go to your cluster > Dashboard > SD-WAN Statistics

Mainly you will see two options here for SD-WAN Rule and SD-WAN Network and common options for both.

like Duration for report like Days, Week and Month, and you can download report PDF from download option

1. SD-WAN Rule : SD-WAN rule define status and availability of one or more internet links.

in dashboard you can see both link up-time as well as port up time in which link is terminated in percentage.

Below you will find wan interface status graph based on date you have selected and wan interface details.

below you will see WAN link status like up and down, wan link MOS and packet loss on internet link and latency as well. 

2. SD-WAN Network : where as it give you information of SD-WAN tunnel which connected multiple branches together.

As below it will show tunnel Status overall in percentage. and other details as well. like status, Tunnel bandwidth, tunnel usage and more.

if you scroll little you ll get other details like MOS, Jitter, packet loss and latency on tunnel.

3. Insights : Further more you will get user session data as well as session data it self from Insights section.

Go to Cluster > Dashboard > Insights

just like any other report you will get common option like report duration as well as Download PDF of report.

below you will find report data usage by applications.

for more option click on 3 line option, here you will gate data usage by protocol, host-name, Top Talkers and more.

DPI By Protocol

DPI By Host-name

DPI by Protocol and Port