Each of below Portal have Logo and Background Customisation as well as short message on page and teams and condition.

Click to login : By simply "click on Login" end user can connect to wi-fi Network.

Voucher Code : using voucher code that is generated and provided organisation to end user can use it to login.

Survey : As per organisation need and requirement they can get information from end user by filling out form to connect to wi-fi network, organisation create survey form as they like.

Username Password : end user can login via username and password that is created and provided by organisation. 

OTP via Email : Once end user enter mail id they can join wi-fi network by entering otp received on mail id.

OTP Via SMS : Once end user enter mobile number they can join wi-fi network by entering otp received on mobile.

Advertise : this way you can show advertisement for time period and user can connect to wi-fi network.